Lilly turned 2 months on Thursday, June 18, 2015.
So, Let's back up to May.
Lilly turned one month on Monday, May 18, 2015.
She loves being worn, rocking, sleeping on mommy and daddy, and nursing.
She hates to be put down, sitting in the car seat, and diaper changes.
She weighs approximately 7.5 lbs.
June 18, 2015- Lilly turned 2 months old!
We took a trip to Sea World that day.
She has already changed so much this past month!
She now will smile when you talk to her, she will coo and make all kinds of sweet noises, and she is almost laughing. She is out of all her newborn clothes. She moved up to size 1 diapers.
She sleeps in her own crib now (beside our bed) and not on us as much.
She will roll to her side when she wants to go to sleep.
She will sleep about 6 hours straight at night, which is mind blowing to me!
She loves her swing and her bouncy seat.
She weighs 9 lbs 6 oz and she is 22" long.
She's already growing up too fast!