Monday, December 17, 2012

7 months old!!!

Dear Corbin,
Hey my sweet boy! You turned 7 months old on Saturday, December 15, 2012. I say this every month, but where in the world is time going!?!? It's flying by and it's making me sad! Just a few months ago you were my teeny tiny squishy little baby and now you are crawling everywhere and are into everything! I love watching you learn new things though. You amaze me more and more everyday with new things you have learned. You have learned so much this past month.
Last week (Dec 9) you learned how to squeal. It's so funny when you do it. (not so funny at 6am, but you always know how to make me smile!)
2 Weeks ago (Dec 6) you learned how to crawl. You are still a little shaky, but you are definitely crawling everywhere!
You also learned how to sit up all by yourself on Dec 10. You have been super busy learning new things!
On Friday, Dec 14, you pulled up on your toy for the first time. You fell and hit your head and got a booboo on your eye, but you are tough and went right back at it after a few minutes of snuggling with mommy. I gave you kisses and made it all better.
There has been a lot going on around us lately that has made me realize how grateful I am to have you in my life. Just last week, a mom in my mommy group lost her 6 month old baby boy. He was only 10 days younger than you. I couldn't imagine losing you. I start crying just thinking about it. Then, on Friday, a man went into an elementary school just 10 minutes from our home in Connecticut and shot and killed 26 people, 20 of them being children. I can not imagine the pain those parents are feeling right now. I have been giving you so many more kisses and snuggles lately. I want you to be a very happy boy and love me and your daddy (and all of your other family members too) very much. You are a very loved little boy.
We flew to Florida yesterday to stay with your Aunt Meme and cousin Cameron and Bailey. We will be here for 3 weeks. You daddy will be here in two days to stay with us for 2 weeks. I'm so excited about Christmas this year. You love unwrapping presents and playing with paper so you will have fun.
You still love your paci when you get sleepy or when you aren't feeling good. You are still breastfeeding all the time. (every 3-4 hours now)
We started you on solid foods 2 weeks ago. I make all of your baby food. So far you love avocado, sweet potato, and applesauce. You didn't like squash or bananas too much.
You were almost 14 lbs at your last appt 2 weeks ago. And almost 28 inches long.
You still say mama when you get upset and want me to pick you up.
You do not have any teeth yet, and mommy is okay with that! lol
I love you so much baby boy! You are my world!!!

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I am married to the man of my dreams We have one son and one daughter. Life is amazing! We love living in sunny Florida!