Monday, May 11, 2015

Lilly Annabelle Dihel is here!

Our baby girl, Lilly Annabelle Dihel, was born at home on April 18, 2015.
Here is her birth story...

My HBAC story
I woke up at 1:30am on April 18th and started having diarrhea. I went back and forth from the bathroom to the bed for a few hours thinking I was coming down with a bad virus. At 3:10am I had my first contraction. It felt like a horrible period cramp, just like everyone says! I didn't believe anyone when they said that's what it feels like! I called my midwife around 3:45am to let her know I was either in labor or coming down with a virus! Haha Justin got to work at 4am. Right before he clocked in, I started throwing up, plus diarrhea, plus contractions, so I told him to come home. I called my doula at 4:30am and told her I thought I might be in labor or I might be getting a virus. She assured me it sounded like real labor from my noises. Lauren, my doula, came over around 7am. Charlie Rae, my midwife, came over around 8am with her birth assistant, Jenn. I was starting to hurt really bad when they all got there and I was having trouble getting through each contraction. They were coming stronger and 2-3 mins apart. I tried swaying, bouncing on my birth ball, getting on my hands and knees, and leaning up against the bed, nothing was helping. They suggested I get in the tub, so I did around 8:30am. My birth photographer arrived sometime around this time too, but I don't remember her getting there. The water helped at first, but then I couldn't get comfortable. I NEEDED to move around. My legs started to cramp up. I lost my mucus plug while I was in the tub. They helped me out of the tub around 9:30am and I went and laid on the bed. Justin was in and out, taking care of our son, Corbin, but also being present for the labor. By this point, I was getting close to pushing. Charlie kept checking her heartbeat all morning and it was continuously around 140 throughout labor. When she checked it around 10am, it was starting to drop around 120. Then as I started pushing, it would drop to the 80's. Charlie flipped me to my hands and knees and I tried pushing that way, but wasn't getting anywhere. So then she flipped me on my side and I started pushing that way. She wasn't even crowning yet and Charlie looked me in my eyes and said, "you need to push your baby out on this next contraction or I'm calling the ambulance." Her heart rate was dropping and Charlie knew we had to do SOMETHING. On the next contraction, I pushed with all my might and I felt a huge pop, but I knew it wasn't my baby coming out. My septum (piece of skin that separates my two vaginas) had ripped. It was actually more of a relief than painful because now she had more room to come through. As soon as that broke, her heart rate went right back up to normal and her head started to crown and my water broke. It was a huge gush of clear fluid. As soon as my water broke, her head came out. Her cord was wrapped around her neck so Charlie got that off and Lilly immediately started crying, while her body was still inside me. One more push and her body came out and she was on my chest. She was born at 10:27am, after pushing for about 30 minutes. Her placenta was delivered at 10:40am and her cord was cut by her daddy at 10:44am. She stayed on my chest for the first hour and started nursing at 11:30am. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced but as soon as she was out, all the pain went away. I knew I didn't want to go to the hospital unless medically necessary so I just HAD to get through each contraction. My doula and midwife helped me through each contraction and I will be forever grateful for them. Total labor/birth was about 7.5 hours from start to finish. I never imagined it would go so fast! 
Lilly Annabelle Dihel Born at home, on our family bed, at 10:27am on Saturday, April 18, 2015 6 lbs 4 oz 20 inches long.

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About Me

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I am married to the man of my dreams We have one son and one daughter. Life is amazing! We love living in sunny Florida!