Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy 5 Month Birthday!!!

Dear Corbin,
You are 5 months old today! Where has the time gone??? It seems like just yesterday you were kicking away in my tummy. I miss that. But I'm so glad you are in my arms now. I can't believe how big you are getting. You are over 13 lbs and 24 in long now. You are still only breastfeeding and we love it! We are not starting "solids" until I think you are ready.
You are so much more active now. You love to play, kick, and make noise all the time now. You also learned how to blow raspberries and it's so cute! You love playing with your daddy on the floor, making faces at him and laughing at him. You love to rub his face. You think it feels funny :)
We are in NC this week so you are getting lots of love from all of your family members (esp Gommie) on your 5th month birthday :)
You still do not have any teeth yet. Mommy is completely fine with that too! You are drooling a lot and you are constantly chewing on your fingers. Everyone in the family thinks you will be getting teeth soon,  but I don't know.
You are getting lots of new hair! It's so cute! Some days it looks blond and some days it looks darker.
You love to sit in our lap and look around. You are very curious about what people are doing and saying. You love to watch TV with your daddy. I think you like the sounds and colors and the movement.
We still co-sleep and you won't have it any other way! You love to snuggle with us at night.
You usually go to bed around 7pm and sleep until 11 or 12. Then you get up, nurse, and go back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours then do it again. You usually get up around 9am for the day.
Your day time naps are getting shorter. You only nap for about 30 mins at a time now. Sometimes in the morning you will sleep for about 2 hours if I nap with you.
You are such a happy and sweet baby. I love seeing you smile. It makes me cry. You are my world and I don't know what I would do without you.
Mommy and Daddy love you sooo much! I can't wait to see what you are going to learn next!

Happy 5 month Birthday!!!
I love you!!!

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I am married to the man of my dreams We have one son and one daughter. Life is amazing! We love living in sunny Florida!