Thursday, November 15, 2012

6 months old!!!

Dear Corbin,
I can not believe you are a half a year old today!!! Time is flying by!!! You make mommy so happy!
You are around 15 lbs, about 26 inches long and you are the sweetest thing ever!
You have your 6 month check up in 2 weeks so I'll have better numbers then.
For the past week you have been getting on your knees and rocking! You want to crawl so bad! You are starting to do a little scoot/hop move that gets you where you want to go.
You have mastered rolling over both ways and you LOVE to roll all over the floor. It's so funny to watch you roll so fast. I'll put you in one spot and a minute later you are on the other side of the room.
We have not started any solid food yet. I wanted to make sure you got breast milk only for the first 6 months of your life and we made it :)
You are starting to grab at my plate and cup when I'm holding you at the table so I think we will start solid food next week.
You still sleep with me and your daddy every night. You are getting better about sleeping at night now. You only wake up 2-4 times a night now. I'll nurse you and you go right back to sleep.
You love your play mat. You go crazy on that thing!
We started letting you play in your jumper but you aren't too sure what to do with it yet. Your feet don't touch the ground yet so you can't really bounce in it yet.
You still do not have any teeth. (And mommy is perfectly ok with that! Haha)
You are starting to sit alone. You sat by yourself for 20 seconds tonight!
Me and you flew to Florida last week to come visit your Aunt Meredith and cousin Bailey and Cameron and you have loved playing with them. They think you are so much fun to watch and play with.
You love watching people and listening to them talk. You are really amazed by people. You also are a big flirt with the ladies! You smile and laugh at them all the time.
You are wearing size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes.
You make me so happy! I don't know what I would do without you in my life. You are the reason I get out of bed everyday.
Mommy loves you sweet boy!!!
Happy 6 month Birthday, Corbin!!!
Love, Mommy

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I am married to the man of my dreams We have one son and one daughter. Life is amazing! We love living in sunny Florida!