Monday, April 15, 2013

11 Months Old!!! WHAT!?!?!?

Dear Corbin,
Today you are 11 months old!!! I can't believe that in one short month you will be 1 year old! WOW!!! You are growing up so fast! I am so happy that I have been able to spend every single day of your life with you. You amaze me more and more everyday! Now you are starting to mimic the sounds we make. It is so funny! If we say haha, you will repeat us. And you and your daddy love to grunt at each other. It makes me laugh.
You are about 28 inches long.
 18 lbs.
In size 3 diapers
Wearing most 12 month clothes
Size 3 shoe
You say mama, dada, more, puff, ball
You have 3 teeth
You LOVE carrots and broccoli
You eat pretty much everything we eat now. You don't really care for baby food anymore.
You are obsessed with puffs! You love them!
You love anything with wheels.
You love balls.
You love wooden puzzles.
You still love strings.
You still love to nurse all the time.
You only wake up 2-3 times throughout the night now on most nights.
You still love to watch Dora the Explorer on Nick Jr.
You still love to snuggle up to me.
You give wet, sloppy, open-mouth kisses now. It's so funny.
You love to play in our kitchen cabinets so daddy put locks on them so you can't get in them and it made you very mad!
You do not like the word No.
You learned how to drink out of a straw this month.
You still love your stuffed dog, Spots.
You are pulling up and cruising along the couch, but you are not walking yet. You can stand alone for about 2 seconds, but then you fall.
You LOVE your daddy and you play with him all the time.

I can't believe you are getting so big!!! Mommy loves you sooooo much!!!!

Love always,

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I am married to the man of my dreams We have one son and one daughter. Life is amazing! We love living in sunny Florida!